I had the pleasure of meeting Bruce Montague while he was in Nova Scotia
last year. One occasion was at a function in Stellarton, hosted by Al
a CUFOA member and the other was in front of Province House in Halifax
during a peaceful demonstration and information picket.
I found him to be a soft spoken man who could see the erosion of his
and also his business as a result of Bill C-68 (Firearms Act).
He, and the other members of CUFOA had a singular purpose, to have one or
more of them charged for an offence under the Firearms Act so they can
appeal to the Supreme Court if necessary. To this end, they presented
representatives of the various provincial governments with evidence of
their high crimes of failing to register their legally acquired property.
A Halifax Regional Police sergeant who attended was advised of these
crimes and offered evidence of them while I was present but he also
refused to act (so much for the faith the police have in this ill-begotten
A visit to PEI found, then Justice Minister, Wayne Easter in his
constituency office and he also was presented evidence and requested he
have them arrested under the Firearms Act if he believed in it. No such
The Government knows this law will not stand the test of the Supreme Court
even though it is a court appointed by the Liberals.
I find it strange that Bruce is being held in jail even though he presents
no danger to anyone. Persons charged with violent crimes are let out
quicker with no bail.
Not one Firearms Act charge has been laid against Bruce or Donna! This
proves again the Liberals have wasted almost two billions of dollars to
license less than a third of the owners and firearms. (the numbers were
fudged so as not to reflect what a dismal failure it is and also in an
attempt to show high compliance. The governments own estimates were
dropped from 7 million gun owners with as many as 21 million guns to 2.5
million owners and 7 million firearms), and they do not have the faith it
will stand under the scrutiny of the courts.
It took the police with a warrant 36 hours to search Bruce and Donna's
home - something they could have done with Bruce's permission and
assistance. One can only wonder at what kind of damage was done
One has only to scan past issues of newspapers to see there are two laws
here. Bruce is in jail awaiting bail for the paper crime of not
registering or applying for a license. Police officers who negligently
discharge their firearms in buildings or leave them around to be stolen,
even worse shooting and killing a fellow officer are still walking the
streets, no charges, no jail. This is an outrage which the media and
public should be screaming about.
Jim Hill, RCMP, ret.
Fletchers Lake, NS
Link: http://www.drydenobserver.ca
DISCLAIMER: BruceMontague.ca is maintained by friends and
supporters of Bruce Montague. It is NOT an official mouth-piece for Bruce
Montague's legal defense.