Bruce Montague
Bill C-68 Court Challenge
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This Case Epilogue written February 1, 2017 is intended to provide context to this web site as it documents a Canadian constitutional challenge spanning from 2004 to 2016. Bruce Montague determined to expose the constitutional violations in the Canadian Firearms Act. After being charged, mounting a constitutional challenge and appealing to the Supreme Court of Canada, Montague's case was dismissed without reasons. With Bruce in jail, the Montagues then faced an another twist of injustice -- the confiscation of their home and property by the Ontario government. The Montagues fought the civil forfeiture of their home for years until, in the summer of 2016, the Canadian Constitution Foundation was instrumental in negotiating with the Ontario Civil Forfeiture department to drop the lien against the Montague home. The Canadian Constitution Foundation deserves our support as they continue to fight other cases of injustice around the country. YOU COULD BE NEXT! Canada is undergoing a quiet revolution and your fundamental rights and freedoms are at stake!
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Montague family - genuinely nice people

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This note is to tell you what I know of Bruce Montague and his family. I met Bruce several years ago at church. I found him and his family to be genuinely nice people. I have gotten to know them better over the years and have always been impressed with their honesty and integrity Bruce took the lead several years ago and started a small drama group that I also belong to. We have put together several small skits that we have performed in local churches. Bruce has been the one responsible for setting up the stage, the lighting, the directing and has also been the narrator and sometimes an actor. He is one of those people that actually spends quality time with his wife and children. He has strong family values, which is evident when you meet his family. His wife Donna works for the same large company that I do. We do not work together but I do see her from time to time. She is known at work as a hard worker and a very nice person. They have two boys and a girl, all of them, what I would describe as "A" students. You would be hard pressed to find a nicer family. Bruce is a hard worker who has many talents. He is an excellent mechanic, carpenter and woodsman. He has a genuine love for people and I am honored to count him as my friend.

Thank You

Ron J. Booi

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It is NOT an official mouth-piece for Bruce Montague's legal defense.