This Case Epilogue written February 1, 2017 is intended to provide context to this web site as it documents a Canadian constitutional challenge spanning from 2004 to 2016.
Bruce Montague determined to expose the constitutional violations in the Canadian Firearms Act. After being charged, mounting a constitutional challenge and appealing to the Supreme Court of Canada, Montague's case was dismissed without reasons. With Bruce in jail, the Montagues then faced an another twist of injustice -- the confiscation of their home and property by the Ontario government.
The Montagues fought the civil forfeiture of their home for years until, in the summer of 2016, the Canadian Constitution Foundation was instrumental in negotiating with the Ontario Civil Forfeiture department to drop the lien against the Montague home.
The Canadian Constitution Foundation deserves our support as they continue to fight other cases of injustice around the country.
YOU COULD BE NEXT! Canada is undergoing a quiet revolution and your fundamental rights and freedoms are at stake!
If your browser is not configured for streaming video, right click the download link and save to disk first. Then open the video file. FREE Video Player downloads below »
NEW! Katey's Firearms Facts Videos on Youtube
We are working on a series of short video clips that deal with our rights as
they pertain to our case. Some of them have been released on "YouTube" at (Katey is
Bruce and Donna's daughter). A sample video is available here:
Rape Prevention - Two Options
Download Web Version of the 15 minute funraiser DVD
Hear the story of the Montague family arrests and catch the passion of their
cause to bring down an unjust law. The producer, Christopher diArmani, has
several other videos documenting the cause of firearms rights in Canada which
can be obtained from
Two compressed web versions of the 15 minute Fundraiser video are available for download:
Windows Media Format (14MB)
or Quicktime Movie Format (34MB)
December 2005 - Proposed Liberal Handgun Ban Video Feeds
October 25, 2004 - Thunder Bay Television News Archives. Download
MP3 Audio (388K)April 9, 2005 -Hear it from the horse's mouth - Bruce Montague speaks at an Information Meeting held at Sharon Gun Club in Ontario:
MP3 Audio (5.8MB)April 12, 2005 - Live TV Interview with Jim Chapman -
9:00pm on London Roger's Cable.
Click here to download in
MP3 Audio (1.2MB) format.
March 17, 2006 - Bruce Montague interviewed on 570 News with Jeff Allan - live
at 10:00am out of Kitchener, Ontario. Click here to download in
MP3 Audio (4.1MB) format.
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supporters of Bruce Montague. It is NOT an official mouth-piece for Bruce
Montague's legal defense.