October 7, 2005
I met Bruce Montague during the Conservative convention in Montreal, March 17 to 19 inclusive. I discussed the many aspects of Bill C - 68, and how it impacted on we the honest but, unregistered lawabiding firearm owner.
I found Bruce to be a very low key, dedicated, and a decent person. He also exhibited his unwavering dedication to rescinding the horrible expensive, and unnecessary Bill C - 68. Now that the Ontario Government has illegally seized his domicile, our financial support is much more important, and we must show this brave family that we are in their corner, which in turn benefits us.
Imagine what would happen if everyone of the 7 million impacted firearm owners were to send $20, the useless Bill would soon be history, so lets get off our hands.
Boyd Lundquist
Courtenay B.C.
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Montague's legal defense.