Sat Apr 24 07:35:15 PDT 2010
Dear Supporters:
I've been released from prison on bail pending our getting leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada. I've been home now for 1 1/2 weeks (since April 13), and enjoying a taste of freedom again. Although prison life was not very enjoyable for me I did appreciate the many letters I received from supporters all across the country. They really helped to brighten my day!
I apologize for not writing sooner. Every day since my release I've been wanting to write you but I kept getting caught up in urgent work with our appeal documents. Our case management team together with our lawyer Doug Christie have been working very long hours in order to get our paperwork submitted before the deadline on Monday April 26. I've been working anywhere from 14 to 17 hour days ever since my release. I'm happy to say that we finished our paperwork and submitted everything to our agent in Ottawa yesterday (April 23).
We were all very disappointed with the Ontario Court of Appeal ruling on Feb. 25th. This ruling is posted on our website. If you read it you will probably notice that the judges didn't really give a lot of justification in their ruling against us. I was quite disappointed in their lack of reasoning in this very short and quick judgement. We have used this as a learning tool and have put a lot of work in the Supreme Court application to make it much more appealing to the judges for consideration (we hope).
The Supreme Court is the last step in our fight for firearm ownership rights. If we are granted a hearing in the Supreme Court any parties interested in helping to defend these rights should seek to get intervenor status so that you can also put forth arguments that defend your members interests. Once we have confirmation that our application to the Supreme Court has been accepted we will post our arguments on our website for you to take a look at.
Anybody interested in becoming an intervenor should contact me by e-mail (bmontague at or phone (807-937-2197). We have a lot of information on different aspects of our firearms rights that we didn't use because of limits the courts put on us. I'll be glad to share anything we have that could assist your lawyer in preparing your arguments.
Thanks again for all your support, especially your letters of encouragement while I was in prison. You have no idea how much that helped me!
Yours in Liberty,
"The only freedom which deserves the name is that of pursuing our own good in our own way,
so long as we do not attempt to deprive others of theirs, or impede their efforts to obtain it."
- John Stuart Mill, "On Liberty" 1859
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