Bruce Montague
Bill C-68 Court Challenge
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This Case Epilogue written February 1, 2017 is intended to provide context to this web site as it documents a Canadian constitutional challenge spanning from 2004 to 2016. Bruce Montague determined to expose the constitutional violations in the Canadian Firearms Act. After being charged, mounting a constitutional challenge and appealing to the Supreme Court of Canada, Montague's case was dismissed without reasons. With Bruce in jail, the Montagues then faced an another twist of injustice -- the confiscation of their home and property by the Ontario government. The Montagues fought the civil forfeiture of their home for years until, in the summer of 2016, the Canadian Constitution Foundation was instrumental in negotiating with the Ontario Civil Forfeiture department to drop the lien against the Montague home. The Canadian Constitution Foundation deserves our support as they continue to fight other cases of injustice around the country. YOU COULD BE NEXT! Canada is undergoing a quiet revolution and your fundamental rights and freedoms are at stake!
What's Wrong with Civil Forfeiture» | Write to Stop Civil Forfeiture»

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Aug8-2016: Bruce and Donna Montague Reach Settlement that Saves Their Home »
Bruce and Donna Montague’s 10-year fight to save their home from the Government of Ontario is finally over. They have accepted a settlement and the Honourable Mr. Justice Shaw of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice completely dismissed the civil forfeiture action against their home.
Jun10-2013: Ontario Court of Appeal Date Postponed to Sept 25, 2013 »
The Ontario court of Appeal agreed to postpone the appeal originally scheduled for June 18, 2013 as CCF legal teams pickup the case after the sudden passing of former legal counsel, Doug Christie.
Apr16-2013: CCF will take on Bruce and Donna Montague’s case after Doug Christie’s death left them without counsel to fight property forfeiture »
Karen Selick, litigation director for the CCF, said: "I have been concerned about the Civil Remedies Act here in Ontario ever since it was introduced as a bill in December, 2000. I welcome the opportunity to defend this couple against financial ruin by a rapacious, opportunistic government."
Mar12-2013: Sad News »
I'm sorry to tell you that our lawyer Doug Christie has just passed away. Just a couple of weeks ago he was hospitalized during a jury trial...
Feb14-2013: Appeal Date Set »
We finally have an appeal court date set for Tuesday June 18, 2013. This will be held at the appeal court in Toronto.
Jan7-2013: Case Update »
It's been a long road to recovery since being released from prison. The "system" is very effective at "grinding you down". I hope you can understand the toll this has taken on my family and forgive me for not keeping you better informed since being released from prison. Here is a quick recap of what has happened so far with our case...
Sept11-2012: Montagues Eight Years Later »
Since no public safety objective can be rationally connected to applying such harsh penalties to mere regulatory infractions (i.e., no violence or threat of violence is implied by any of these offenses), therefore we must conclude that these laws are designed for some social-engineering purpose. i.e., perhaps they were written to persecute and eliminate firearms ownership rights, and thereby eliminate self-defense, that most basic liberty, in Canada.
Aug29-2012: Selick: Just like Russia, Canada persecutes its protesters »
"However, the subject matter of the Canadian man’s protest was even more politically incorrect than Pussy Riot’s criticism of Vladimir Putin; consequently, his draconian treatment has met with virtual silence in the media."
Feb15-2011: Swiss ban gun ban »
It’s good to know that there remains a modern, sophisticated democracy that has not given into the irrational, fearful, anti-factual, gun-ban mentality. Trusting ordinary, law-abiding citizens with guns is a sign of a free country, one in which the people are truly the sovereigns and not the subjects of the government. Read More »
Jan12-2011: Montague released on parole »
Montague released Jan 11th, to serve remaining 12 months of sentence on parole.
Jan11-2011: A gun law! Why didn’t we think of it before? »
... It’s been said countless times before, but it seems to bear constant repeating since it seems never to sink into the minds of those who think that laws can solve everything: criminals, by definition, don’t obey the law, no matter what it says about carrying guns to public events, while disarming the law-abiding public can only embolden them. ... Read more:
Dec21-2010: What's Wrong with Civil Forfeiture »
Constituional lawyer, Karen Selick, exposes the criminal behaviour of law-enforcement agencies addicted to "proceeds of crime."
Dec11-2010: Legal Case Update »
Forfeiture Constitutional Challenge, Parole Dates, and More...
Dec3-2010: Montague Home Photo Album »
Built with love, blood, sweat and tears.
Nov10-2010: Letter from MPP, Randy Hillier »
In the case of Bruce Montague, this law has the potential to punish an individual in a manner both extreme and disproprtionate to the offense committed. ... Should the Crown proceed, it will most assuredly use the law to create a victim where none previously existed and serve to create animosity between the sate and citizens, instead of seeking to remedy and rehabilitate the relationship between itself and its citizens. Furthermore it is not just Montague who will be victimized, it is his wife and three children who will face the greatest burdens. ...
Nov30-2010: Sinister Side of Proceeds of Crime »
"When the proceeds of crime bill first presented itself in this province, many people thought it was a great idea. The legislation, as we understood it, would strip drug lords and organized crime of their ill-gotten wealth."
Nov23-2010: 1995 Police Raid Endangered Lives »
"I worked in Easter European countries before the fall of Communist governments and I've never seen anything like this. I want to know why is this happening in Canada? I have some serious questions. What kind of country are we living in? Somebody has to be held accountable for this type of excessive action," he states.
Nov14-2010: Is Jury Nullification Canada's Last Hope? »
If you are in jury deliberations concerning members of the firearms community, acquit and keep acquitting until the rest of the jury stops trying to change your mind. It only takes one brave juror to nullify a gun law. "If the jury wants to disbelieve any piece of evidence, it's entitled to do that. That's the basis of the power of jury nullification." ...
Nov14-2010: Transcribed Update Letter from Bruce @ Prison »
...the full value of the Montague firearms challenge may not be realized in our time. It has been an exercise pursuing the idealism of a bygone era of legal and judicial principles. It has proved the point of those who warned us that Bill C-68 was not about public safety, but all about eliminating firearms ownership by prohibitions, confiscation, and harsh criminal penalties for paperwork violations. It has proved the point of those who warned that judges no longer uphold the constitution, safeguarding citizens against tyrannical laws. Instead judges interpret the law according to their enlightened vision of how the New Canada should look. Good-bye to fundamental principles of justice, such as innocent until proven guilty. Good-bye to the individual right to defend life and property. Good-bye to the right to own property, and to not be deprived thereof except according to principles of fundamental justice. Good-bye to a fair and impartial court system...
Oct29-2010: Contact the Media About Unjust Civil Property Forfeiture »
Lots of media contacts to Voice your outrage...
Oct29-2010: Yukon Puts Proceeds of Crime Act on Hold Indefinitely »
by Christopher di Armani ...what lies beneath the surface of civil forfeiture laws should make every single citizen, Yukoner or not, shudder with fear. ... The government doesn't have to actually PROVE you did anything. It only has to show "on a balance of probabilities" that you COULD have done something. ...
Oct29-2010: Article: Ontario's Attorney General's Office Angry »
by Christopher di Armani What is so inherently evil about this approach is that it completely sidesteps our judicial system and our right to be presumed innocent.
You never have to be arrested for a crime for the government to take your property.
You never have to be charged with a crime for the government to take your property.
You never have to be convicted of a crime for the government to take your property. No arrest. No charges. No trial. No conviction.
Just a simple and effective circumvention of the principles of fundamental justice that are supposed to be accorded to every man, woman and child in Canada.
Oct19-2010: Katey Montague writes asking to have her dad back »
links to 2010-10-19_KateyParoleLetter.pdf
Oct14-2010: Civil Forfeiture Documents »
the Montagues feel that the people of Canada have a right to hold their governing representatives accountable for their actions. Therefore, all the documents relating to the Civil Forfeiture proceeding are made available...
Sep30-2010: How to write to Bruce in Jail »
Bruce is currently being held in the Thunderbay area, and I'm sure he would appreciate your letters/encouragement.
Sep30-2010: Write to Stop Confiscation of Montague Home »
Bruce is in jail as a political protester. Fine. Lots of good guys in history did jail time too in protest of entrenched societal injustice. However, Bruce's wife and family should be left out of this. Confiscating the inheritance of the children (who are all at University now) and putting his wife on the street is an outrageous miscarriage of justice. ...
Sep21-2010: [Scrap C-68] Update from Bruce @ Jail »
If it is any consolation our legal arguments supporting "our right to posses arms for our defense" must be right on target for the simple reason there were NO counter arguments given and THAT THE JUDGES ALL SIMPLY IGNORED OUR ARGUMENTS. ...
Sep21-2010: Donna Montague and the Possible Seizure of her Home by the Ontario Government »
"This is all so unbelievable. These proceedings have revealed a parliamentary and judicial system that is spinning out of control...."
Sep16-2010: [Scrap C-68] The SCC has dismissed our appeal! »
... This means that there is still no precedent in the Supreme Court of Canada regarding the constitutionality of the Firearms Act.
Sep14-2010: [Scrap C-68] Supreme Court to announce its decision on whether it will hear our appeal. »
I would specifically like to ask for prayers at this time that the Supreme Court will seriously consider our claim in an unbiased manner so that the rights and freedoms of all Canadians are respected. ...

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It is NOT an official mouth-piece for Bruce Montague's legal defense.